Since finishing the new book I’ve been thinking about how a smaller organisation can get its act together.
A great marketing strategy isn’t just about getting all the elements of the marketing mix ‘right’. As marketers never tire of telling you – it’s more complicated, deeper than that.
But complication means problems.
For a small organisation, like an SME or a charity, execution of a marketing plan is where it all happens. Because of the limited resources to hand, the basic tasks of a marketing plan can seem overwhelming and, importantly, take valuable people away from running other vital operations.
There is, in fact, a related problem for larger companies. How do they communicate what must be done – internally and to others such as agencies – in order to allocate sufficient resources?
One reason this struck me forcibly as I finished the book, and then discussed this with Nick, was that the ‘new marketing’ demanded by the web and other converging technologies gives us even less room for manoeuvre.
Even more than ever, marketing is something you have to do now and every day. And it all has to work together, day after day.
Great small organisations know and do this. Larger organisations often struggle.
So as I wrote about online promotion and the maintenance of an online brand, I emphasised ‘consistency’ and ‘integration’.
Consistency. When everything you say and do refers to your core values.
Integration. When everything you do links to everything else you do.
Since then, Nick and I have been discussing a marketing strategy ‘mantra’ that could remind us of what the rules are. I’ll go into all this at greater length in the next few posts but for now I’ll just leave you to consider…
Insight, purpose, truth & beauty.
I'm intrigued. Looking forward to seeing where you take us!